2018 Q3/Q4 review

hello, here’s a quick review of the summer and autumn (fall) activities

it’s been several months since the last post and even though the blog has been quiet, things have been moving at geo-expeditions central. We hope to increase the cadence of posting as things develop during 2019. If you’d like an update not on the blog, drop us an email (info@geo-expeditions.com) and you will get a quick reply. Most likely, you’ll inspire another blog post or two…

so, what has happened since the last post requesting volunteers for pilot trips? Fortunately, we had several people offer to critique the trip designs and content and would like to thank those volunteers for their tolerance as we ironed out the rougher patches. Their precise and detailed feedback has been incorporated into the trips we piloted and the home page is being updated with an edited selection of the comments we received. Here’s a photo of Peter discussing the internal details of a volcano with Cyndi (thanks to Russ for the picture):

we were fortunate to get some time to do reconnaissance in both the US and the UK. Thanks to all the attendees at Rockfield for the time spent looking at Gower geology. It reminded Peter how important managing timing at exposures due to tides is in the UK. 20 years away had dulled his memory of that aspect.

the 2019 season is shaping up nicely. In addition to the summer focus on the central Rockies, with possible trips to Utah and Wyoming, there will be at least four trips in the UK (S.W. England (x2), Wales and Scotland) and one, possibly two, to California. Others may be added as the season develops.

a post will announce those dates very soon, promise.

Take care
